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Asia Green Market Report Q3 2024

According to The Economist, over 500 mid-sized to large data centers have been launched in Asia since 2021, with another 270 expected to come online in 2025, reflecting the region's commitment to expanding digital infrastructure. Significant progress in transportation and logistics further enhances regional integration and trade: APAC has opened 56 of the world's 88 new metro systems since 2000, with ridership up 58% from 2012 to 2019 - the highest growth rate globally. As quality infrastructure directly correlates with economic growth, Asia's investments in digital connectivity, logistics, and transportation are set to drive the region's long-term sustainable growth. We cordially invite you to read the Asia Green Market Report Q3 2024. 

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Unsere umfassenden Artikel informieren Sie über aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem asiatischen Immobilienmarkt und wichtige Trends in der Immobilienbranche. Für eine automatische Zustellung, dürfen Sie sich gerne hier einschreiben.

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