By Monika Oppeln Bronikowska on Dienstag, 27. August 2024
Category: News

Asia Green Market Report Q2 2024

Asia's technological transformation will continue to be a key driver of the region's growth. Southeast Asia, in particular, is fast emerging as a center of gravity for the tech industry due to its strategic position in the U.S.-China competition, business-friendly policies, and strong market fundamentals. It is estimated that Southeast Asia's digital economy reached USD 218 billion in gross merchandise value (GMV) in 2023, up 11% year-on-year despite global macroeconomic headwinds. With 47% of the population under the age of 30, the region's digital economy is poised for further expansion and could potentially reach USD 1 trillion in GMV by 2030. In addition, Southeast Asia is rising as a major hub for cloud service providers, attracting substantial investment commitments from global tech giants. We cordially invite you to read the Asia Green Market Report Q2 2024.